The Materials Day
Saturday, April 18th 10:00 - 4:00
North 7th Street (Between Havemeyer & Meeker) Williamsburg, Brooklyn
This is just outside the WOL exhibit space (299 N 7th Street)
L TRAIN service is suspended this weekend!
The Materials Day is a free-of-charge outdoor event open to the public. Visitors of all ages are invited to interact with found materials through activities led by local artists and teachers. Musicians who work with found objects will be doing small performances throughout the day as well as helping visitors engage with sound-making materials. Visitors will have the opportunity to experiment with a variety of materials through design and construction-based activities. Come help create a collaborative plastic bottle cap mandala, crawl through a cardboard city, add to an arrangement of colorful objects, contribute to a weaving, make a ‘found object’ costume, hang objects in an installation, and more!
Bash the Trash
Check out their website:
Check out Martin Urbach's website from Bash the Trash: